- He yanked open the drawers. 他猛拉开抽屉。
- He opened the drawer and took out a bulldog. 他打开抽屉拿出了一把左轮手枪。
- He opens the drawer to have taken a revolver pistol. 他打开抽屉拿出了一把左轮手枪。
- He opened the drawer and took out a cheque. 他拉开抽屉,取出了一张支票。
- She open the drawer and take out a pair of sock. 她拉开抽屉,拿出一双短袜。
- Opening the drawer he took out a book. 打开抽屉,他拿出一本书。
- She opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks. 她拉开抽屉,拿出一双短袜。
- Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary. 他打开抽屉,拿出一本词典。
- Opening the drawer he took out a revolver. 他打开抽屉,拿出了一把左轮手枪。
- He opens the drawer to have taken a revolver pistol . 他打开抽屉拿出了一把左轮手枪。
- As soon as he touched the hot cake, he yanked his hand away with a cry of pain. 他的手一摸着滚烫的饼,就疼得大叫了一声,马上把手抽了回来。
- She opened the drawer and took outa pair of socks. 她拉开抽屉,拿出一双短袜。
- I asked the man opposite if he would open the door. 我问对面的人他愿意不愿意开门。
- She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys. 她打开抽屉,翻找她的钥匙。
- He is forced at gunpoint to open the safe. 他在枪口的威胁下被迫去打开保险柜。
- On a normal day, open the drawer, look at their photos and articles before, in one indescribable sincerity. 一个平常的日子,打开抽屉,翻看自己以前的照片和文章,有种不可名状的情愫。
- I yanked the door open/yanked open the door. 我猛地把门拽开。
- I had to empty out the drawer to find the papers. 我不得不倒出抽屉的东西以找出那些文件。
- He yanked on the brake when he saw a big stone ahead. 看到前面一块大石头,他猛地刹了车。
- I eased the drawer open with a knife. 我用刀子小心地把抽屉撬开。